I am a native Floridian and have experienced many major hurricanes in my lifetime and Irma just became the new baseline to measure all. This hurricane set all sorts of records in terms of size, category, the number of citizens displaced, homes destroyed or damaged, without water, electricity, internet, flooded streets, homes, bridge and road failure, trees, roofs, all kinds of debris strewn everywhere and vehicles damaged. Our friends, neighbors, and family are truly suffering.
We began to experience the force of Hurrican Irma around 3 pm on Sunday, September 10. It became much more hostile at about 8 pm. We were not clear about the direction it would take until after midnight which is when we lost power.
We had done all we could do to prepare for the storm in terms of provisions, medical supplies, water, and so forth. We lost power at about Midnight Sunday, September 10 and waited until Monday morning to assess damage and wire in a generator. We have limited power (not enough to run AC but enough to operate essentials like fans, television, computers, refrigerator, microwave, and freezer. We by no means are complaining and are very happy with the outcome which could have been much more extreme. Yes, we received roof damage, property damage and some flooding inside the premises, we can live with it and are patiently waiting for the most important modern life convenience, air conditioning... :-)
Thank you all for hanging in there with us over the past few days while our focus was clearly on protecting life and property. We appreciate your continued trust in us to provide you with our products to deliver comfort, relief, and wellness to you!
Warmest regards,
Tommy Moch